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D50 is an active item to be added in the Alabaster Fable.


  • Rerolls pickups and items quality.
    • Pickups get rerolled into more or less valuable variants of themselves. Bombs being rerolled into double bombs or golden bombs and vice versa; same with keys, double keys, golden keys; all coins, batteries, hearts and so on.
  • When items are rerolled, the result is always of a higher tier but increase the charge from 5 rooms to 12 rooms.
    • Rerolling tier 3 or 4 items outputs random tier items.






  • The D60 and D50 were originally going to have a D Infinity version. However, the dev team noticed that the new dices aren't in D Infinity and there's no API to add stuff to the D Infinity. As such, they're currently unused.