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/* Fix article-table-wrapper overriding any background around a table, */
/* causing issues with infoboxes and template docs */
.page-content .article-table-wrapper {
	background: none;

/* automatic line breaks for tables */
.table, .wikitable, .article-table, .bug
  display: inline-table;
  overflow-x: auto;
  white-space: normal;

/* Background */
body.mediawiki {
	background: url( no-repeat fixed;
	background-size: cover;
	background-position: 0px 35px;

/* taken from
   does the sidebar boxes */
  margin-top: 11.14em;
  background: #1E1624;
  border-color: #362E3F;
  color: white;
#mw-panel #p-logo+.portal .vector-menu-heading{
#mw-panel .portal{
	margin-bottom: 2px;
    border: 30px solid transparent;
    border-image: url( stretch;
    border-image-slice: calc(100%/3) fill;
    color: #fff;
#mw-panel .portal .vector-menu-heading{
	margin-left: -15px;
	margin-top: -22px;
#mw-panel .portal .body {
	margin-left:-15px !important;
.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-heading {
  background-image: none;

/*supposedly makes images resized with nearest neighbor*/
.mw-parser-output img {
    -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor;
    image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
    image-rendering: -o-crisp-edges;
    image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast;
    image-rendering: crisp-edges;

/* Portable infobox *
.portable-infobox {
	box-sizing  : content-box;
	border      : 30px solid;
	border-image: url( ) 30 fill round;
	text-align  : center;
	background: none;

/*Not from the Isaac wiki*/
/*changes color*/
.portable-infobox.type-middletext {
   text-align: center;

/*changes color*/
.portable-infobox.type-accent-color-text-source {

/*changes infobox caption color*/
.portable-infobox .pi-caption {

/*supposed to make infobox text centered*/
.portable-infobox .pi-data {
    align-items: center; /* vertically align items or text */
    justify-content: center ; /* horizontally aligns items or text */

/*i dont know*/
.portable-infobox.type-middletext .pi-data-label ~ .pi-data-value {
    padding: 0;

/* Navigation *
.tb-box-header {background:var(--tb-header);}
.nav-box  { font-weight: 100!important;}

.nav-header {
	width         : 100%;
	border-spacing: 4px;
	text-align    : center;

.nav-header td {

.nav-header .nav-header-selected {
	font-weight: bold;

.nav-category {
	clear       : both;
	width       : auto;
	background  : #3f2922;
	background  : rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.4 );
	margin      : 5px auto;
	border-color: #1f1511;
	border-color: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.5 );
	text-align  : center;
	font-size   : 15px;

.nav-category > ul {
	margin-left         : auto;
	margin-right        : auto;
	list-style          : none;
	text-align          : left;
	white-space         : nowrap;
	-webkit-column-width: 180px;
	-moz-column-width   : 180px;
	-ms-column-width    : 180px;
	column-width        : 180px;
	-webkit-column-gap  : 10px;
	-moz-column-gap     : 10px;
	-ms-column-gap      : 10px;
	column-gap          : 10px;

.nav-category > tr > th,
.nav-category > * > tr > th {
	background: #32211a;
	background: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.2 );

.nav-list-vertical > tr > td:not( :last-of-type ),
.nav-list-vertical > * > tr > td:not( :last-of-type ) {
	padding-right: 10px;

/* Removes the discussion header at the top of a page */
#ca-talk {
    display: none !important;

/* Used for e.g. item lists for compactness */
.multicolumn-list {
	max-width: 100%;
	column-count: 3;

/* for compact lists in navs */
.nav-list {
	max-width: 100%;
	column-count: 3;
.nav-list ul {
	margin: 6px 0;
	list-style-type: none;

/* For elements which are only displayed in the mobile view */
.mobileonly {
	display: none;

/*custom galley mainpage*/
.tb-nav-icon .thumb {width:110px!important; height:110px;}
.tb-nav-icon .gallerytext, .tb-nav-icon .gallerybox>div {width:110px!important;}
.tb-nav-icon .gallerybox {width:115px!important}
.tb-nav-icon .thumb>div {margin:5px auto!important;}